Garden Bouquet


Enjoy the refined simplicity of a blooming bouquet displayed within an elegant vase. Adorned with a simple yet graceful design, it brings a touch of natural beauty to any message. Perfect for expressing warm wishes or sharing heartfelt sentiments, this delightful card is sure to brighten someone's day.


  • Set of 20 cards + envelopes

  • 4.5" x 6.25"

  • Printed on 110lb heavy card stock

  • Original watercolor artwork by Miranda Aspinwall

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Enjoy the refined simplicity of a blooming bouquet displayed within an elegant vase. Adorned with a simple yet graceful design, it brings a touch of natural beauty to any message. Perfect for expressing warm wishes or sharing heartfelt sentiments, this delightful card is sure to brighten someone's day.


  • Set of 20 cards + envelopes

  • 4.5" x 6.25"

  • Printed on 110lb heavy card stock

  • Original watercolor artwork by Miranda Aspinwall

Enjoy the refined simplicity of a blooming bouquet displayed within an elegant vase. Adorned with a simple yet graceful design, it brings a touch of natural beauty to any message. Perfect for expressing warm wishes or sharing heartfelt sentiments, this delightful card is sure to brighten someone's day.


  • Set of 20 cards + envelopes

  • 4.5" x 6.25"

  • Printed on 110lb heavy card stock

  • Original watercolor artwork by Miranda Aspinwall